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Overnight Stays – Supported Independent Living

SASI will be easing restrictions effective from midnight tonight with residents being able to have overnight stays their parents in the family home in line with updates by the Victorian Government. In addition to this, prior to each visit, each resident will have their temperature checked as a precaution.  Should temperature be below 36 or above 37.5 medical advice will be sourced immediately and visit will be cancelled until a medical clearance is sourced.

To ensure the continued safety of all concerned we ask you consider the following prior to organising a visit:

  • Prior to each home visit, each resident will have their temperature checked as a precaution.
  • Should the resident be displaying any symptoms of illness however mild (runny nose, cough, lethargy) visit will be postponed.
  • Should either parent be displaying any symptoms however mild, we ask you to be considered, exercise the necessary precaution and postpone the visit.
  • Whilst not a requirement, downloading the COVID-SAFE app speeds up contacting people potentially exposed to Coronavirus, helping support and protect you and your loved ones.
  • We ask you to limit the number of visitors to your own home during overnight stays.

Most of our houses include clients with compromised health.  It is imperative that we continue to safeguard all residents, staff and the families of our staff, to ensure the continuity of supports to your loved ones.

If you would like visit your loved one, please contact Zlata Lizars, Operations Manager on 0434 391 512 to discuss how we can facilitate contact while protecting the other residents, staff members and the community.

Please be assured we continue to work diligently to safeguard your loved ones and thank you for your patience and support during this time.