School Leaver Employment Supports

Get the support you need on your journey

We are happy to announce that we are now offering School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES). We are strongly committed to providing individuals with the support they need to gather skills to move towards employment in the future.


Have you or will you be finishing School in the near future?

At SASI, we understand that the transition from school into another setting can bring excitement as well as a range of other emotions. We are here to support you in your journey to build skills towards entering the workplace in the future or discover what path may be right for you.

SASI’s School Leaver Employment Supports program offers individualised supports that will help you gain knowledge, skills and experience to enter the workforce or further training.

We are here to go at your pace!

Who are school leaver employment supports for?

School leaver employment supports are available to NDIS participants in their final year of school and those who have recently left school (generally up to age 22). These supports are typically for Year 12 students, but can be considered for any student who has reached school leaving age and is looking to transition from school to work.

When is funding included in a NDIS plan?

The NDIS funds supports for participants to help them prepare for work, find a job and have ongoing supports when at work.

Funding is based on the participant’s employment goals, individual circumstances and reports/assessments provided during the planning conversation.


What is School Leaver Employment Support (SLES)?

School leaver employment supports form the critical bridge between school life and work. These supports:

  • Help school leaving aged participants explore and understand their work potential.
  • Focus on capacity building, developing skills, independence and confidence to work.
  • Are tailored to the individual and their unique pathway to employment.
  • Are available during the final years of school and directly after leaving school, generally up to two years.
  • Are reviewed periodically to make sure the supports are meeting the participant’s goals.

These supports are person-centred, individually tailored, strategic and planned so participants of varying skills and needs can reach their employment goals. These supports are individualised, with a strong emphasis on trying and testing through work experience in a range of settings.

With the right combination of school leaver employment supports, participants may:

  • Move into employment or job seeking (sometimes with the assistance of a Disability Employment Service provider)
  • Progress to self-employment.

To build important hospitality skills, SLES clients recently spent time at Vinnie’s Kitchen in Rosebud, serving lunch to the community.

What type of supports can participants expect to receive at SASI?

SASI’s SLES is not your average program. We aim to create individualised supports with a twist. Within our SLES, we also provide Industry Tasters throughout the year. These will be different hands on activities related to different industries and allow for clients to learn skills and practice them in different settings.

Industry Taster 1 – Hospitality & Food Handling

Cooking, kitchen skills and safety, time management, planning, creating and maintaining a herb/veggie garden


Industry Taster 2 – Physical Exercise & Leadership Skills

Support to develop and run your own exercise class. Clients taking turns to develop and run each week.


Industry Taster 3 – First Aid and Safety in the Community

Learn from professionals basic first aid, community visits to fire brigade, police, etc.


Industry Taster 4 – Marketing, packaging and selling products

Dry, package, market and sell our herbs from our garden.


Industry Taster 5 – Individualised employment pathway supports

Supports tailored to individuals based on their employment goals and aspirations.


SASI will be running SLES 2 days per week on a Tuesday and Wednesday 9am-3pm at our Seaford Hub. 

We will be offering 5 Skill Based units (as well as our Industry Tasters). Each skill-based unit will run for 8-10-week blocks. These skill-based units are: 

– Life Skills

Client focused program developing skills to form a pathway towards employment or further training. Such as, workplace norms, behaviours and expectations.

– Budgeting and Money

Building individual capacity to understand, interpret and utilise money/budgets within a range of settings.

– Job Ready Skills

Skills suited to individuals needs to work towards job readiness. Such as interview practice, resume writing, job application.

– Travel Training

High-quality person-centred support for participants to safely and confidently access the community using a range of transportation options.

– Work Experience/ Community Engagement

Based on individual’s achievement thus far, a variety of work and community-based options will be explored and offered. Such as:

• Work experience

• Volunteering opportunities

• DES (Disability Employment Services)

• Tafe or further education opportunities

Duke of Edinburgh

We are super excited to have teamed up with the Duke of Ed to provide this life changing program to our SLES clients.

The Award is a leading structured (non-formal education) youth development program, empowering all young Australians aged 14-24 to explore their full potential and find their purpose, passion and place in the world, regardless of their location or circumstance. The Award is a fully inclusive program and has no social, political, or religious affiliations.

What impact does the award have on young people?

Through this challenging journey of self-discovery, participants:

  • Are equipped and empowered to achieve their personal best
  • Learn to take responsibility for their goals and choices
  • Become connected to and actively engaged within their immediate community
  • Make a real difference to society through their positive contributions and involvement
  • Learn to persevere and overcome barriers to success
  • Learn important life skills
  • Increase their career opportunities.

Benefits of completing the Award

As a non-formal education framework, the Award can play a vital role in providing opportunities for young people to develop essential life skills, increase their employability and foster their creativity and innovation.

The Award is transforming individuals, communities and societies around the world. The Duke of Ed program teaches each person to take responsibility for their goals and choices; how to connect and actively engage with their immediate community and how to positively contribute to society by their active involvement.

What Next?

If you think you would be interested and eligible for School Leaver Employment Support (SLES), please contact your Local Area Coordinator (LAC) or Support Coordinator for more information on applying for SLES Funding through NDIS.

If you are interested in choosing SASI as your preferred SLES provider, please feel free to contact us:

T – 1300 577 305
