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Service & NDIA Update

Thank you for continuing to work with us at this difficult time. As you are most aware the Commonwealth and State Governments are maintaining restrictions to address the spread of COVID- 19.

SASI Supported Independent Living (SIL) houses are continuing to provide support  to our residents in their own homes. We plan to offer further virtual supports in the very near future to assist families outside the SIL area.

I would like to reassure you that staff are following all of the advice provided by the experts in terms of infection control, regular washing of hands, social distancing and limits to only two people in indoor and outdoor spaces. This is a stressful time for everyone and it is understandable that people are feeling anxious about what is happening now and what may happen in the future. In these uncertain times we will continue to provide you with updated information as we receive it.

NDIS has announced some changes to provide additional support to clients and families.

Urgent Plan reviews: The NDIA is advising special teams of planners are available to help make urgent changes to plans where required. Call: 1800 800 110. Normal hotline open hours apply: 8am – 8pm (local time) Monday- Friday.

NDIA have also announced that if a person’s Core funding is low, then they can move some funding from Capacity Building to Core. Scheduled Plan reviews Face-to-face planning has shifted to telephone meetings where possible. NDIS plans are to be extended by up to 24 months in most cases so it is important to think about how people’s needs may change over the 24 months and plan ahead. The NDIA states that on the day a plan is due to expire, if it has not yet been reviewed, it will be automatically be extended by 365 days (replacing the previous 28 day rule).

Support Coordination:  NDIA has recognised that at this difficult time, Support Coordination has become an essential service. A new line item for Support Coordination has been added to Core Supports. This will allow clients without Support Coordination funding (or who have used all of their Support Coordination funds) to access the service through their Core budget. People who are Agency managed will need to use a registered Support Coordination provider.

The following resources have been made available to staff and may be of some use to you or members of your family.

Beyond Blue resources: If you feel you need mental health support you can call the Beyond Blue Support Service. The free and confidential service is available every day to all Australians online from 3pm to midnight AEST or 24 hours a day by phone on 1300 22 4636. The Beyond Blue Online Forums have a dedicated ‘Coping with the Coronavirus outbreak’ section for anyone seeking a safe and anonymous place to discuss their mental health and well-being.

For practical information and tips, please visit the Beyond Blue Looking after your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak webpage.

If you are seeking information on coronavirus (COVID-19) you can call the dedicated national hotline 1800 020 080, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

There are also free online supports to help stay active and healthy for example the RACV have also put together a list of free resources to help keep your mind and your body active and healthy during this time. https://www.racv.com.au/royalauto/living/at-home/things-to-do-home-selfisolation.html

NDIS Participants have priority access to order their groceries online. This means, as an NDIS participant, you can purchase grocery items online to be delivered to your home. The NDIA will send all participants a unique home delivery access code by SMS or email to access priority home delivery services.

To access priority home delivery services:

1. Complete your shopping online for home delivery with participating supermarket retailers.

2. When prompted enter your unique priority home delivery code.

3. Submit your order. https://www.ndis.gov.au/coronavirus/latest-advice-ndis

We will do our best to keep in contact with you via email and phone to answer any questions you may have and support you at this time of need.

Stay safe, stay well.

Kath Ferry, CEO