Like many of you we are pleased to hear news that case numbers continue to reduce and things are certainly looking brighter.
Even with the numbers looking better and restrictions easing as they are now, we know that it is even more important to maintain the highest standards to keep clients, families, and staff safe.
SASI can confirm we have no confirmed cases of COVID at any of our services and we are committed to keeping all clients and staff safe and have continue to enact our Pandemic and COVID-19 Plan.
SASI is committed to keeping you informed and shall continue to post updates via our website and email communication to keep you in the loop with all relevant information and changes to service delivery, and we encourage you to speak to your SASI contact if you require any further information.
Once again I wish to thank everyone for their ongoing cooperation and support, if you have any queries please call our team on (03) 9773 6044
Stay safe
Kath Ferry