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SASI Wellbeing Resources


Relationship Matters – 1300 543 396

Relationship Matters are our official Employee Assistance Program partner and have been providing support to our staff for a number of years. All staff, including managers, are eligible to several free sessions. We encourage you to use their resources to help you maintain good health.

Visit their website www.relationshipmatters.com.au/

Relationship Matters

Beyond Blue – 1800 512 348

Beyond Blue offers 24/7 support to help you manage your wellbeing and mental health during this time. If you are feeling worried or struggling to cope during isolation, they are there to help. 

Visit their website www.beyondblue.org.au


Sleep Health Foundation

The Sleep Help Foundation are spreading the sleep health message through an ongoing program of development and distribution of educational information designed for the public by sleep experts. 

Visit their website www.sleephealthfoundation.org.au


Moshi – Sleep & Mindfulness App for Children

Moshi is an audio-only app that is designed to help kids sleep better and teach them the basics of mindfulness. 

Visit their website www.moshisleep.com


Sleepiest – Sleep & Mindfulness app for older children, teens and adults (iOS Only)

Sleepiest has developed the most beautiful collection of bedtime sounds, stories and meditations proven to help you fall asleep in minutes. 

Visit their website www.sleepiest.com


Mind & Body

Collective Being

Yoga classes for people in the community and health care industries. Their classes integrates gentle, restorative movements, breath-work and stress relief practices. 

Visit their website www.collective.being.org

Collective Being

Calm Together

A selection of free meditations, sleep stories, movement exercises, journals, and music. All of the resources on this page are free to use, and to share. 

Visit their website www.calm.com/together

Calm Together