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Searching for disability support services

At SASI, we support individuals with autism and other complex disabilities to find the services and support they need to live a full and independent life.

Autism Connect Helpline

Providing information, advice and referrals to help autistic people, their supporters and professionals.

COVID-19 Updates

SASI commits to all staff being vaccinated against COVID-19

 We are proud to announce that our entire SASI team is fully vaccinated.

SASI has an maintained our commitment to the health, safety and wellbeing of our team members, clients and families/carers, requiring all of our staff to be vaccinated, irrespective of their role or location.

Our team members are fully vaccinated for your safety and ours.

Read our latest newsletter

Keep up to date with everything happening at SASI. Subscribe to our newsletter today.

Join our PCCC committee

Seeking new people to join the Parents, Carers & Clients Committee (PCCC)

Searching for disability support services

At SASI, we support individuals with autism and other complex disabilities to find the services and support they need to live a full and independent life.

COVID-19 Updates

This evolving situation has affected many of our services across Victoria. Please read more to learn how this may affect you.

Read our latest newsletter

Keep up to date with everything happening at SASI. Subscribe to our newsletter today.

Join our PCCC Committee

Seeking new people to join the Parents, Carers & Clients Committee (PCCC)

Supporting you to live the life you want


Autism Support Services

At SASI, we are proud to offer an extensive range of support services to assist children and adults living with Autism Spectrum Disorders and/or other complex disabilities.. From day excursions through to camps and in-home support, we offer something for everyone, including families and carers. These services assist people to live a more independent, fulfilling life and open up new opportunities for growth and self-awareness.

Information and Resources

About the NDIS

The main objective of the NDIS is to provide Australians, with a permanent disability, the necessary supports needed to live an ordinary life. SASI has been actively involved with the NDIS since 2016 & we are a registered Plan Management Provider and Support Coordination Provider. 

About SASI

At SASI, we are proud to support people with autism and other complex disabilities to receive the education and guidance needed to live independently with dignity and respect. We provide a range of services to meet & exceed the developmental needs of our clients and their families.

Understanding Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder, or ASD, is a developmental condition that affects the way people make sense of the world and how they interact with others. People with ASD can be sensitive to touch, sound and smell and have difficulties interacting with others. For more information click below.

Goal Mastery