The Next Step for School Leavers

The Next Step for School Leavers

The Next Step for School Leavers   Leaving school is a huge step. After 12 years in the education system, all of a sudden you are faced with the big question… What’s next?SASI is now offering a program funded by the NDIS known as SLES, or School Leaver Employment...
What makes people with Autism great!

What makes people with Autism great!

What makes people with Autism great!   People with autism have a kind of superpower. It’s true, while they may struggle in some areas, what they’re good at, they’re not just good at, they’re amazing at! Did you know that people with autism have amazing attention...
Famous people with autism

Famous people with autism

Famous people with autism   People with autism are everywhere, they walk among us every day. Sometimes it’s easy to tell they’re on the spectrum, sometimes it’s a little harder to notice. There are some famous people who have autism, like actor Dan Aykroyd, well...
Your child had been diagnosed with autism, now what?

Your child had been diagnosed with autism, now what?

Your child had been diagnosed with autism, now what? It’s probably taken months, if not years to finally get a diagnosis for your child. You knew where things were heading, all the signs were there, but when you are told your child has autism you feel like you’ve been...
Awesome Autism Parents

Awesome Autism Parents

Awesome Autism Parents   If you’re an autism parent like me then you’re pretty special, in fact, you are awesome. I feel that we were blessed with our autistic children for a reason, and although we may not always feel blessed, we really are the lucky ones....
Food Selectivity

Food Selectivity

Food Selectivity Family mealtimes can be difficult. There’s always someone who doesn’t like something you put on the plate.Perhaps you decide to do a different meal for each member of your family depending on their likes and dislikes.Maybe you have a child who will...