Service Update

As you may be aware the Victorian Government have made an announcement returning to Stage 3 restrictions and a lock-down of all metropolitan Melbourne areas from 11.59pm today (8th July 2020) for a period of 6 weeks unless otherwise advised.

In response to this disappointing news SASI feel confident that we have embedded strict COVID-19 safety measures across all our services; staff have additional training and supplies of personal protective equipment, should they be required. Our staff are working diligently to ensure our clients have regular staff providing support with minimal need for casual or agency staff.

Stage 3 Victorian Government restrictions are very clear on the four reasons you can leave home:

  • Shopping for food or other essential items
  • To provide care giving, for compassionate reasons or to seek medical treatment
  • For exercise (outdoor exercise only) with only one other person or members of your household
  • Work or study, if you cannot work from home

How this impacts SASI clients and families:

    • SASI have classified each of our supported independent living (SIL) houses as your loved one’s primary residence, and everyone living together in these homes as a family.
    • This promotes a sense of normality for your loved one and minimises the risk of introducing the virus into the home. ‘Caregiving’, as described in the DHHS Aged Care Order, which includes Disability Residential Houses, is being provided within this ‘family’ unit.
    • Reintroduction of restrictions on all visitors (ie: 3rd party allied) and we are advising all parents/carers not to visit our homes to reduce the risk of infection.
    • Staff will use utilise every resource available for you to maintain contact with your loved one including telephone, facetime or zoom via iPads at all houses
    • For further assistance please contact Zlata Lizars, Operations Manager, 0434 391 512 and/or your Practice Leader directly.
    • Gippsland – services at our Gippsland sites will continue to proceed with reactivation of services plan. For all enquires please contact Lisa Wellington, 0439 948 792
    • Seaford – currently assessing provision for 1:1 supports (risk assessments required) for clients who reside in their family home.
    • Croydon – currently assessing provision for 1:1 supports (risk assessments required) for clients who reside in their family home.
    • For further assistance please contact Christine Sutton, Operations Manager, 0402 524 073 and/or your Practice Leader directly.

I am sure you understand that all these precautions are necessary to protect and support your loved one and our staff members.